Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Country Boy Can Survive

Sean LOVES country music - and has one song in particular that he asks us to play "Again, Again!". He loves to dance & bob to the music - as you can see from this video. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Harpers Ferry

Here's a video of our day in Harpers Ferry...:)

View this montage created at One True Media
My Montage 8/29/09

The church that you see in the video is where Ann (John's sister) and Bradd were married. Granddad is a member there - and John went there many times as a child...

Sean's Visit with his Great-Grandparents

Having fun with GG (Great-Grandma)

Sean makes GG laugh!

Playing on the porch furniture - which was blocking Sean's access to GG's indoor pool!

How can I get to the pool!?

We took Sean to visit his great-grandparents today. John's grandparents (and Sean's great-grandparents) live on a beautiful piece of land overlooking the Potomac River in Harpers Ferry, WV. Sean had fun climbing on their deck furniture, playing with the slinky that GG (Great-Grandma) gave him - and watching the trains & planes fly by....

Sean's Playdate with Henry!

Sean & Henry playing!

Sean is having FUN!

Erin & Sean! (Erin had just found out that she's expecting their 2nd child!)

Sean & Henry!

How much fun they had!!

John's best friend from college (High Point University) visited us a few weeks ago. Will, Erin & Henry live in Charlotte, NC - but were heading north and stopped for the night. Henry is 2 weeks older then Sean - and the 2 boys had a GREAT time together!