Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sean's First Trip to the Movies!

Today, we took Sean to the movies for the 1st time. We saw the Princess & the Frog. Sean wasn't sure what to expect - and as soon as the previews started - he was instantly quiet and thoroughly into what he was watching. For a 2 year old - he did very well at the movies - he became antsy the last 15 minutes or so, but overall did very well. He loved dancing in his seat to the music in the movie - and he LOVED eating the popcorn. All in all, a successful day! And, the movie was GREAT!

Sean in his seat before the movie started, not the best picture - but you get the idea.
Eating popcorn - waiting for the movie to start.

1 comment:

The Roesslers said...

Fun! Crazy about the scratches on his face! I totally see what you were talking about. Poor Sean!