Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sean's First Trip to the Movies!

Today, we took Sean to the movies for the 1st time. We saw the Princess & the Frog. Sean wasn't sure what to expect - and as soon as the previews started - he was instantly quiet and thoroughly into what he was watching. For a 2 year old - he did very well at the movies - he became antsy the last 15 minutes or so, but overall did very well. He loved dancing in his seat to the music in the movie - and he LOVED eating the popcorn. All in all, a successful day! And, the movie was GREAT!

Sean in his seat before the movie started, not the best picture - but you get the idea.
Eating popcorn - waiting for the movie to start.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sean's Visit to the FireStation

Today we took Sean to visit Uncle Andy at the fire station. Sean was so excited to see a fire truck that he told Mommy she could not go shopping first (as planned) - and when he got there, his mouth hung open in awe as he looked & sat in the firetrucks. Uncle Andy was also nice enough to show Sean his office, bunk area, and the TV/Kitchen area where the fire-fighters hang out. All in all - a GREAT time...:)

Sean with Uncle Andy

Sean on the bumper of the fire truck.

Sean on the back of the firetruck.

Sean LOVES firetrucks!

Sean's ready to drive - where's the fire?