Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harpers Ferry River Swim 2010

Visiting Great-Grandma & Great-Grandad

Yesterday, we went to Harpers Ferry for the day - and stopped to visit John's grandparents (Sean & Kate's great-grandparents). Great-Grandma had gifts for the children - a "big-wheel" for Sean and a teddy bear for Kate - Sean had a great time riding his bike around the property and just investigating everything...:)

Sean at the entrance to the house (indoor pool)

Great-Grandma & Kate

Riding the new bike!!

Brother & Sister Hangin' out

Sean wanted Kate to lay in his Firetruck Bed with him - and he actually posed for the camera. What a great big brother!! :)

Croghan Family Reunion

We attended the Annual Croghan Reunion on August 14th in Frederick...Sean had a blast - he swam in the pool - and had a good time playing with his cousins...

Eatin' corn with Lindsey!

Hanging out with Ma!

I'm off to the pool!

Baby Kate & Sean with Ma (Great-Grandad in the background!)

Great-Grandma's youngest "Great-Granddaughter Kate"...:)

Visit with Colleen

Here's the only picture that I took of Colleen's visit - BAD MOMMY!

Colleen with Baby Kate...:)

Swim Lessons?

We attempted for Sean to take Swim Lessons this summer at our neighborhood pool. The swim lessons were advertised for 2-5 year olds. However, when we arrived, we realized that Sean was at least 1 year younger the the youngest child there - and was not old enough to understand what the swim teacher wanted him to do. He was more of a distraction, so we stayed for all of 10 minutes and decided we'd wait until next year.

But, here is the beginning when Sean was listening...:) He's in the blue swim shirt (the littlest child there)...