The kids & I are in this purple dragon which spins while also going in a big circle. I was nearly sick when I got off. Not sure why I used to like this type of ride as a kid.
Sean, Mommy & Lindsey on the Merry-Go-Round
Sean riding the jet ski ride (we don't know who the girl in front of him is).

Lindsey waving at the camera
Lindsey waving at the camera
Tonight we took Sean to the Walkersville carnival. Sean's Aunt Jen & cousins Lillian & Lindsey were nice enough to join us so the girls could ride the rides with Sean, while Baby Kate relaxed in the "limo" (double stroller). We had a good time watching the kids ride the rides - and Mommy was convinced to ride the "Dragon" ride with the kids - which was a spinning ride that I will NEVER ride again. Sean & Mommy also rode the Ferris Wheel (with Lillian) - and a good time was had by all. Sean was "lucky" enough to win a goldfish - which became a dancing goldfish when he was dancing to the 80's band "The Reagan Years" - one of Mommy's favorite bands which happened to be playing. All in all, a good time!