Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We had a great Father's day spent at Uncle Joe's house - with crabs - overlooking the Potomac River in Harpers Ferry. Sean LOVED swimming in the pool - and Kate met her great-grandparents for the 1st time!

John & Sean in the pool

Having fun in the pool!

Kate was content to nap!

Hangin' on Daddy!

Meeting "Great-Grandma" for the 1st time!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

T-Ball Time!!

Sean had a GREAT time tonight playing with his T-Ball set from his Grammy. He got this present from Grammy for becoming a "Big-Brother" - and this was the first time that he was able to use it.

Thanks Grammy!

A day at Baker Park

On Saturday - we decided to take Sean to Baker Park for some playtime...:)
Sean & John on the rock wall.
Kate just haning out enjoying the view of a tree that we were under.

Sean playing on the playground....

Fun at the Rocky Ridge Slide!

We took Sean to the old wooden slide at Rocky Ridge park - he LOVED it - and spent over an hour going down the slide over and over again. He only rode with his daddy on the first time down - after that - he insisted on going all by himself. Mommy & Baby Kate watched from the bottom - and he had a BLAST!

Kate - 1 Week Old

Baby Kate turned 1 week old on May 28th - and we celebrated by taking her first trip to her Grammy's house...:) Sean is very good with his baby sister and is constantly kissing and hugging her - and wanting to know what she is doing....

Mommy & Baby Kate

Big Brother Sean lovin' his lil' sis!

Kate waiting to play or eat...:)

Introducing Katheryn Elizabeth Croghan

Katheryn Elizabeth Croghan was born on Friday, May 21st at 8:30pm. Exactly 34 hours after we arrived at the hospital. She weighs 6lbs, 10 oz and is 19 inches long.

"Baby Kate" is doing well - eating and sleeping as she should - and Mommy is getting some rest too!

Taken right after birth

The day after Kate was born

1st Day home

1st Family Picture -Kate is 1 day old