Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harpers Ferry River Swim 2010

Visiting Great-Grandma & Great-Grandad

Yesterday, we went to Harpers Ferry for the day - and stopped to visit John's grandparents (Sean & Kate's great-grandparents). Great-Grandma had gifts for the children - a "big-wheel" for Sean and a teddy bear for Kate - Sean had a great time riding his bike around the property and just investigating everything...:)

Sean at the entrance to the house (indoor pool)

Great-Grandma & Kate

Riding the new bike!!

Brother & Sister Hangin' out

Sean wanted Kate to lay in his Firetruck Bed with him - and he actually posed for the camera. What a great big brother!! :)

Croghan Family Reunion

We attended the Annual Croghan Reunion on August 14th in Frederick...Sean had a blast - he swam in the pool - and had a good time playing with his cousins...

Eatin' corn with Lindsey!

Hanging out with Ma!

I'm off to the pool!

Baby Kate & Sean with Ma (Great-Grandad in the background!)

Great-Grandma's youngest "Great-Granddaughter Kate"...:)

Visit with Colleen

Here's the only picture that I took of Colleen's visit - BAD MOMMY!

Colleen with Baby Kate...:)

Swim Lessons?

We attempted for Sean to take Swim Lessons this summer at our neighborhood pool. The swim lessons were advertised for 2-5 year olds. However, when we arrived, we realized that Sean was at least 1 year younger the the youngest child there - and was not old enough to understand what the swim teacher wanted him to do. He was more of a distraction, so we stayed for all of 10 minutes and decided we'd wait until next year.

But, here is the beginning when Sean was listening...:) He's in the blue swim shirt (the littlest child there)...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Walkersville Carnival 2010

The kids & I are in this purple dragon which spins while also going in a big circle. I was nearly sick when I got off. Not sure why I used to like this type of ride as a kid.

Sean, Mommy & Lindsey on the Merry-Go-Round

The Kids on the dragon ride

Sean riding the jet ski ride (we don't know who the girl in front of him is).

Lindsey waving at the camera

Tonight we took Sean to the Walkersville carnival. Sean's Aunt Jen & cousins Lillian & Lindsey were nice enough to join us so the girls could ride the rides with Sean, while Baby Kate relaxed in the "limo" (double stroller). We had a good time watching the kids ride the rides - and Mommy was convinced to ride the "Dragon" ride with the kids - which was a spinning ride that I will NEVER ride again. Sean & Mommy also rode the Ferris Wheel (with Lillian) - and a good time was had by all. Sean was "lucky" enough to win a goldfish - which became a dancing goldfish when he was dancing to the 80's band "The Reagan Years" - one of Mommy's favorite bands which happened to be playing. All in all, a good time!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July - Parade Dancin' & Swingin'

Enjoy the video's - of Sean "dancing" to the marching band - and of Mommy & Sean on the swings!

Happy 4th of July!!

We were lucky enough to spend the 4th of July Holiday with my oldest & dearest friend, Stacey, and her husband, daughters, mother & grandmother (who is 100 & 6 months old!).
We visited them in Havre de Grace, MD for their annual 4th of July parade & carnival. The parade was fantastic and lasted almost 2 hours - and featured the Baltimore Ravens Marching Band. The kids all had a blast on the rides at the carnival - which was set at the marina overlooking the boats on the bay. All in all a GREAT time!!

Baby Kate in her "American Sweetheart" outfit!

Sean & Mommy on the Swings!

John & "Uncle Mark" and Baby Kate!

"Miss Marilyn" and all the kids - Sean, Emma & Kylie!

Stacey & I - and our kids (minus Baby Kate)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We had a great Father's day spent at Uncle Joe's house - with crabs - overlooking the Potomac River in Harpers Ferry. Sean LOVED swimming in the pool - and Kate met her great-grandparents for the 1st time!

John & Sean in the pool

Having fun in the pool!

Kate was content to nap!

Hangin' on Daddy!

Meeting "Great-Grandma" for the 1st time!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

T-Ball Time!!

Sean had a GREAT time tonight playing with his T-Ball set from his Grammy. He got this present from Grammy for becoming a "Big-Brother" - and this was the first time that he was able to use it.

Thanks Grammy!

A day at Baker Park

On Saturday - we decided to take Sean to Baker Park for some playtime...:)
Sean & John on the rock wall.
Kate just haning out enjoying the view of a tree that we were under.

Sean playing on the playground....

Fun at the Rocky Ridge Slide!

We took Sean to the old wooden slide at Rocky Ridge park - he LOVED it - and spent over an hour going down the slide over and over again. He only rode with his daddy on the first time down - after that - he insisted on going all by himself. Mommy & Baby Kate watched from the bottom - and he had a BLAST!

Kate - 1 Week Old

Baby Kate turned 1 week old on May 28th - and we celebrated by taking her first trip to her Grammy's house...:) Sean is very good with his baby sister and is constantly kissing and hugging her - and wanting to know what she is doing....

Mommy & Baby Kate

Big Brother Sean lovin' his lil' sis!

Kate waiting to play or eat...:)

Introducing Katheryn Elizabeth Croghan

Katheryn Elizabeth Croghan was born on Friday, May 21st at 8:30pm. Exactly 34 hours after we arrived at the hospital. She weighs 6lbs, 10 oz and is 19 inches long.

"Baby Kate" is doing well - eating and sleeping as she should - and Mommy is getting some rest too!

Taken right after birth

The day after Kate was born

1st Day home

1st Family Picture -Kate is 1 day old

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our Weekend at the Beach

Enjoy this video of our weekend trip to the beach - Sean had a blast!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mia's 4th Bday Party!

Today, Sean went to the 2nd Birthday party that he's been invited to at Chuck E. Cheese. The first party he went to at Chuck E. Cheese - he was only 11 months old. This was a completely different experience for us - at first he was 'scared' of Chuck E. Cheese - but he quickly grew to like him - and he loved dancing with him during the birthday party....

Sean dancing with Chuck E. Cheese!

Daddy & Sean on the "roller coater ride" - not sure if either liked it!

Grace Hickman (Andie's daughter) - she seemed to have a good time!

Sean dancing with Chuck E. Cheese! It's a little dark - but you get the idea....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Paradise of Fun!

On Saturday - we took Sean to "Paradise of Fun" at the FSK mall - what a BLAST! For $6 for 30 minutes - he had full reign of the play area. John followed him around (and me when I could) - he had so much fun - he cried when we left....but that would have happened whether we'd done 30 or 60 minutes...

Sean & John on the ladder of the "ship".

Sean in the tunnel.

Climbing the ladder!

Sean & Daddy entering the train bouncy!