Today, Sean & I went with John to his soccer game. The park where John plays has a great playground. Then, we took Sean to the Frederick Fair for lunch, rides & to see the animals. The big hits of the day were riding the helicopter ride, seeing the cows, and sitting on a tractor! All in all, a great day!

Playing on the slide while Daddy played soccer.

Look at me! I'm on a BIG tractor!

Riding the merry-go-round with Mommy!

Riding the helicopter with Mommy - I think that Mommy is a little too big for this ride!! (and one of my high-school friends saw me on this and has threatened to post this pic on the internet, so I figured I'd beat him to it!).

Getting ready to take off!
Sean going down the "tractor" slide (a slide that goes through the tractor - once again, I held the cameral the wrong way).