Sean had a very good Christmas. Although he still doesn't "get" it - and had more fun playing with bows and wrapping paper - he seemed to have lots of fun with his family - all of his grandparents and several of his aunts, uncles, and cousins. His favorite gifts are a "talking" rocking horse from Pop-Pop and his musical learning table from his Grammy - he played with both over and over all day long! All in all, a good day! Merry Christmas to everyone!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Meeting Santa!
Last Sunday, John & I took Sean to meet Santa for the 1st time. He was very low-key about meeting the big man! Obviously, he doesn't understand yet, but at least he didn't cry! He looks a little like "What is going on here - why are you taking my picture with this strange looking man?" His Pop-Pop came with us also - so it was a memorable 1st visit to Santa!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sean's "School" Christmas Dinner
Tonight - the 3 of us went to the Sean's school (Gettysburg YWCA) where his teachers held a Spaghetti Dinner Christmas Party for the students & parents in his class. There were 10-15 children from Sean's class in attendance - ranging in age from a few months to almost 2. All 5 of the teacher's were there - and many parents, siblings, and other Y workers. It was a very nice dinner - although VERY messy for all of the children. Sean LOVED the spaghetti - although he was completely covered in it when he was done eating. After dinner - he ran all over the room - chasing his friends (Savannah, Kevin, and Brooke) and hugging one of his teacher's "Miss Sherry". He ate a piece of cheesecake for desert and got a present from his teachers. They made a T-shirt for each child (and onesie's for the babies) with each of the teacher's handprints on it - along with Sean's name. The teachers also made themselves shirts with each child's footprints on them - Sean's is right on the middle of the front of the shirt. Does that mean he's a favorite??? Personally, I think so! :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Rylee!
Sean's cousin, Rylee, turned 1 on Friday (she looks so pretty in her dress!) - and Sean was there to celebrate in full-force! He "helped" open and play with all of her presents, and he ate her cake by the handful - maybe from the practice he had at his own party 23 days before? We are hoping that as Sean & Rylee (and Paton) grow up they will be fast friends and enjoy playing together. So far, so good!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sean's 1st Birthday Party!
Sean had a GREAT time at his 1st Birthday party! We had a "Curious George" theme -and all of Sean's cousins came, as well as Kate & Emma, and Nathen & Grace. All of Sean's grandparents were there - and his great-grandparents (John's Grandparents) too! Sean got a Radio Flyer wagon from his Grammy - as you can see the picture of Paton hugging Sean in the wagon. Sean was not bothered by the amount of people at his party (35+) and didn't mind when we sang "Happy Birthday". He LOVES all of the presents he got - and has had a ball playing with everything! Happy Birthday Sean!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Sean!
We took Sean to the Baltimore Aquarium for his 1st birthday. He LOVED seeing the fish, sharks, turtles, birds, snakes and everything else! He rode in a backpack with his Daddy - had had a great view of everything. We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory - and they gave him a piece of Pumpkin Cheesecake with a candle in it - and he LOVES cheesecake & whipped cream. All in all - a great 1st birthday! His party is on Saturday - so he has more fun to look forward to!
Happy Birthday Sean! Love, Mommy & Daddy
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sean's 1st Halloween!
Sean had a great 1st Halloween! He was a dragon - and started his day with a parade at "school" (daycare) (See him in the front seat of the buggy cart) which his Grammy & I attended. Then, this evening - he was in the front yard to greet the first trick-or-treaters and he went trick-or-treating to our next door neighbor's house - who thought he was the cutest dragon ever! He also "helped" Mommy & Daddy carve the pumpkins and painted a pumpkin in "Art" class at "School".
Sean has learned to Multi-Task
Sean has discovered if he carries things like his bottle in his mouth - it leaves his hands free for other things....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sean's First Visit to Chuck E. Cheese!
Sean attended his first Chuck E. Cheese birthday party on Saturday. My friend, Erika, has twin girls who are turning 3 this weekend - Kate & Emma. Sean had a BLAST in the "little" kid section - riding the Clifford Dog ride and climbing up and down the slide. He got his picture taken on the Chuck E. Cheese ride - and got to watch Chuck E. Cheese sing Happy Birthday to the girls - he also LOVED their chocolate birthday cake. All in all, it was a GREAT time for him (and mommy & daddy too!).
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sean is Walking!
Sean is Walking!! Although he still crawls, he prefers to walk - and has learned to bend over, pick up something, and continue on his way. The 2 videos I'm attaching show him in action. I must warn you, one of the videos was shot sideways (apparently Mommy hasn't mastered the whole video thing yet!). Enjoy!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The pumpkin patch....with no pumpkins but Santa was there!
Today we took Sean to his first pumpkin patch. We decided on the Boyds Bear pumpkin patch since it was close to the house. They had advertised a pumpkin patch, hayrides, and a corn maze. We arrived at Boyds Bear - and purchased tickets for the hayride. Since Sean is so little - we decided to forgo the corn maze. I inquired about the pumpkin patch - and was told that the "patch has no pumpkins this year". Hmm...false advertising maybe?
At any rate, we toured the Boyds Bear factory while waiting for our hayride - and Sean saw "Santa Claus" - so he'll be ready in another 2 months! The hayride was fun for all 3 of us - and we left happy - but with no pumpkins!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Happy 11th Month Birthday!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sean's Moving & Grooving...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sean's Fort
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