Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harpers Ferry River Swim 2010

Visiting Great-Grandma & Great-Grandad

Yesterday, we went to Harpers Ferry for the day - and stopped to visit John's grandparents (Sean & Kate's great-grandparents). Great-Grandma had gifts for the children - a "big-wheel" for Sean and a teddy bear for Kate - Sean had a great time riding his bike around the property and just investigating everything...:)

Sean at the entrance to the house (indoor pool)

Great-Grandma & Kate

Riding the new bike!!

Brother & Sister Hangin' out

Sean wanted Kate to lay in his Firetruck Bed with him - and he actually posed for the camera. What a great big brother!! :)

Croghan Family Reunion

We attended the Annual Croghan Reunion on August 14th in Frederick...Sean had a blast - he swam in the pool - and had a good time playing with his cousins...

Eatin' corn with Lindsey!

Hanging out with Ma!

I'm off to the pool!

Baby Kate & Sean with Ma (Great-Grandad in the background!)

Great-Grandma's youngest "Great-Granddaughter Kate"...:)

Visit with Colleen

Here's the only picture that I took of Colleen's visit - BAD MOMMY!

Colleen with Baby Kate...:)

Swim Lessons?

We attempted for Sean to take Swim Lessons this summer at our neighborhood pool. The swim lessons were advertised for 2-5 year olds. However, when we arrived, we realized that Sean was at least 1 year younger the the youngest child there - and was not old enough to understand what the swim teacher wanted him to do. He was more of a distraction, so we stayed for all of 10 minutes and decided we'd wait until next year.

But, here is the beginning when Sean was listening...:) He's in the blue swim shirt (the littlest child there)...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Walkersville Carnival 2010

The kids & I are in this purple dragon which spins while also going in a big circle. I was nearly sick when I got off. Not sure why I used to like this type of ride as a kid.

Sean, Mommy & Lindsey on the Merry-Go-Round

The Kids on the dragon ride

Sean riding the jet ski ride (we don't know who the girl in front of him is).

Lindsey waving at the camera

Tonight we took Sean to the Walkersville carnival. Sean's Aunt Jen & cousins Lillian & Lindsey were nice enough to join us so the girls could ride the rides with Sean, while Baby Kate relaxed in the "limo" (double stroller). We had a good time watching the kids ride the rides - and Mommy was convinced to ride the "Dragon" ride with the kids - which was a spinning ride that I will NEVER ride again. Sean & Mommy also rode the Ferris Wheel (with Lillian) - and a good time was had by all. Sean was "lucky" enough to win a goldfish - which became a dancing goldfish when he was dancing to the 80's band "The Reagan Years" - one of Mommy's favorite bands which happened to be playing. All in all, a good time!